Last Week This Week 6-7-16

Wrath /ræθ/ noun

:  strong vengeful anger or indignation
 (chiefly used for humorous or rhetorical effect)

:  retributory punishment for an offense or a crime: divine chastisement


In case you missed it the first time, check out Drew Pham's fascinating essay Every Soldier a Thread.

Mike Carson wrote about why the nation's capital does not need another war memorial.

Editor’s Recommendations


Matt Gallagher has a new short story out in Playboy this month.


Graham Allison and Niall Ferguson propose a President's Historical Council, which is actually a fantastic idea, as long as Niall Ferguson is not one of the historians.

What is wrong with people who use their children as a mouthpiece for politic opinions? Sam Kriss tells us here.

From Occupy Wall Street to Bernie Sanders, there has been a growing public recognition of the defects of our brand of late American capitalism. But what could replace it? One little part of the answer may be local cooperatives, whose success in Italy is a great model of bottom-up economic solutions. (One of the editors of this website is a member of this Italian coop and can attest to how well it works).


Most reviews of new superhero film Suicide Squad are negative, but they missed the main point: its all about families and divorce.

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