Kathleen Hellen

Kathleen Hellen’s collections include Meet Me at the Bottom, The Only Country Was the Color of My Skin, and Umberto’s Night, which won the poetry prize from Washington Writers’ Publishing House, and two chapbooks, The Girl Who Loved Mothra and Pentimento. Featured on Poetry Daily and Verse Daily, her work has appeared widely in such journals as Another Chicago Magazine, Arts & Letters, The Carolina Quarterly, Cimarron Review, Colorado Review, jubilat, The Massachusetts Review, New Letters, North American Review, Prairie Schooner, Puerto del Sol, Salamander, The Sewanee Review, Sixth Finch, Southern Humanities Review, Subtropics, The Sycamore Review, Waxwing, West Branch, and Witness, among others. Hellen’s awards include the Thomas Merton prize for Poetry of the Sacred, The James Still Award, and prizes from the H.O.W. Journal and Washington Square Review.

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