Larry Abbott

Larry Abbott is a retired college and high school English, film, and American Studies teacher, and the author/editor of numerous articles and 2 books on Native American art. His interviews with artist Monty Little and photographer Ron Whitehead appeared in War, Literature, and the Arts; an interview with PTSD treatment pioneer Dr. Frank Ochberg was published in Journal of Military and Veterans Health. The Journal of Veterans Studies published his essay "'But meanwhile the dead poison us and those who come after us': The Presence of Ghosts in Veterans’ Writing and Art and the Implications for Medical Professionals" and War, Literature, and the Arts published “A Little War Music: The Songs of Vince Gabriel, Jason Moon, and Emily Yates,” in Volume 34, Winter 2023. Abbott holds an MA in Cinema Studies from NYU and a M. Ed. in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia. His father served in WW2, and research into his service led to Abbott's essay in The War Horse: “My Father Died Over 60 Years Ago. I Feel That I’m Just Now Meeting Him."