“Storytellers are a threat. They threaten all champions of control, they frighten usurpers of the right-to-fr…
Issue 002: April 2017
New Fiction from “The Midnight Man” by David Eric Tomlinson
The sousetrap north of the courthouse is one of those expensive, contrived places doing its best to look like a dive—…
Such Modest Proposals, And So Many
Most schoolchildren in the English-speaking West read Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal in high school or college. S…
Noble Accounts: American War Stories, American Mothers, and Failed American Dreams
In the social history of our country, the current cultural moment may seem particularly conducive to division, denial…
Poetry: “Nostos” by T. Mazzara
i. the deadweight of a crooked hook we crossed any strange boundary in our youths. all amongst some hitch in what aug…