I’ve changed all the names in this story except my own. They’re all dead, but … that afterlife thing just might be tr…
Tag: Childhood
New Fiction from Kirsten Eve Beachy: “Soft Target”
For Sallie. By Picture Day in November, Sophie had perfected the downward stab and counting to twenty. She clenched h…
New Fiction from Andrew Snover: Dana and the Pretzelman
The Pretzelman died yesterday. He was shot on his corner half a block from his home, and if he has family they’ll pil…
New Fiction from Lucas Randolph: “Boys Play Dress Up”
When visiting a friend’s grandpa, the Boy learned that the grandpa liked watching football games on the weekend…
New Fiction by L.W. Smolen: “Dirty-Rotten”
Where mom and dad and me used to live in the Haight, from the brush in the empty lot across his street, with a BB gun…
New Fiction from John P. Palmer: “Lasting Impacts”
Johnny felt the oak floor tilt sharply below him. He had no idea what was happening or why, and he was frightened. Th…
New Fiction from Moe Hashemi: “Javid”
We buried Javid on a gloomy Friday morning in late December, shortly before Ali was gassed on the battlefront. All th…
New Poetry from Hannah Jane Weber: “My Childhood Smelled Like,” “Surprise Dawn”
MY CHILDHOOD SMELLED LIKE cabbage, salted tomatoes, and cracklings.the flume of dust I awakened when my fingers untan…