Chapter 12 of One Tick Stopped the Clock Published by Legacy Book Press Excerpted from ONE TICK STOPPED THE CLOCK Cop…
Tag: family
New Poetry by Jayant Kashyap: “The War”
New poetry by Jayant Kashyap: “The War”
New Poetry by Cheney Crow: “The Grey Phone”
New poem by Cheney Crow: “The Grey Phone”
New Nonfiction from Lauren Kay Johnson: “Inheritance of War” an Excerpt from The Fine Art of Camouflage
I swore I would never become a soldier like my mother. She called it a blip, a few months out of an otherwise enjoyab…
New Nonfiction from J. Malcolm Garcia: “Othello Avenue”
In the cold autumn dawn shadows blanket Othello Avenue, the parked cars and vans little more than gauzy, damp lumps, …
New Nonfiction: “A Bridge” by Kent Jacobson
Take me to the alley Take me to the afflicted ones Take me to the lonely ones that Somehow lost their way …
New Poetry from Tanya Tuzeo: “My Brother, the Marine;” “My Brother’s Shoebox;” and “My Brother’s Grenade”
my brother, the Marine the recruiters come weeks earlier than agreed— arrive in alloy, aluminum with authority…
New Nonfiction from Leah McNaughton Lederman: “Man of Steel”
There’s a solid history of stupid when it comes to fireworks at our family cabin at the corner of Pennsylvania…
New Fiction from M.C. Armstrong: Excerpt from Novel ‘American Delphi’
Note: M.C. Armstrong’s new novel, ‘American Delphi,’ will be out October 15, 2022 from Milspeak Boo…
New Fiction from J. Malcolm Garcia: “Viraj”
Viraj sat in a room behind the motel reception counter, eating a bowl of bhaat with his fingers when the desk bell ch…
New Fiction from John P. Palmer: “Lasting Impacts”
Johnny felt the oak floor tilt sharply below him. He had no idea what was happening or why, and he was frightened. Th…
New Poetry by Rochelle Jewell Shapiro: “Each Night My Mother Dies Again”
EACH NIGHT MY MOTHER DIES AGAIN Each night the phone rings— Your mother has passed. Each night I expect to be …
New Poetry by Ricardo Moran: “ABBA-1975” and “On the Street”
ABBA-1975 Abba’s lyrics, like water shot from La Bufadora, mingle with volcanic steam from metallic pots of corn. And…
New Poetry by Joddy Murray: “Aphrodite Urania,” “Chronos After Castrating His Father,” “Grandpa Uranus, Rainmaker,” and “Uranus’ Genital Blood”
Aphrodite Urania From a womb of foam I came to be a woman, heavenly gestated from Father, who also brought wea…
New Poetry by Emily Hyland: “Rehab Day 1,” “Rehab Day 4,” “Rehab Day 9,” “Rehab Day 11,” and “Rehab Day 19”
REHAB DAY 1 He hadn’t told me, hadn’t stopped drinking drank beer in the hallway near recycling where people b…
New Nonfiction from J.G.P. MacAdam: “Was His Name Mohammed Hassan?”
I don’t want to keep going back there. I’m damn near forty years old; too broke and tubby to deploy anymore. It’s my …
New Fiction from Amar Benchikha: “Flight”
CONTENT WARNING: A hate crime against an Arab-American is committed in the story. Being an Arab-American myself, the …
New Poetry by Betsy Martin: “About What You Have,” “Female Figure in Photos,” and “To Missoula”
GRASSES QUIVER BEFORE / image by Amalie Flynn ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE In my dream Dad, age one hundred twelve, has…
New Poetry from Gladys Justin Carr: Numbers
that night we forgot for a whilethe broken country where we livedin hearts discontent walking backwardinto unicorns, …
New Nonfiction from Kristina Usaite: “Against a Cruel Society, I Came Out to Myself”
When I was losing myself, the only thing that saved me was immigrating to America. Only then, with great effort and s…
New Fiction from Matthew Cricchio: “War All the Time”
The Staff Sergeant shifted in his tight, class-A uniform and frowned. Phones rang and keyboards, the primary weapon o…
The Gift of Trey
A nuclear reactor is nothing more than a glorified water heater. Sailors as young as nineteen, kids, bombard uranium …
New Fiction from Jesse Goolsby: “Anchor & Knife”
The first time I met you I fought your father in the driveway. He fisted a tire iron, but he’d been drinking and he o…
Three Poems from Suzanne Rancourt
The Shoes That Bore Us It is a dream of kind slippers that coddle bunions appeasedby hands mittened as the same kind …
Nonfiction from Caitlin McGill: “Paved in Gold”
“Even if one does not know the history, one feels the presence of the past.” ~Peter Balakian “You have to beat the eg…
New Poetry from Edison Jennings
A Letter to Greta “…so pitying and yet so distant,” Cecil Beaton Among my father’s posthumous flotsam recently …
New Fiction from Roz Wiggins: “Lucky”
I. Under a ceiling topped by swirling fans and surrounded by walls whose windows had no glass, the Private lay…
Flash Fiction from Amanda Fields: “Buffalo”
When I was a child, and my father had just begun to be noticeably strange, my mother took me to the zoo. It was July,…
HOMEBOY: New Fiction from Mark Galarrita
I went home to Jersey only once since the enlistment. I had to see my Ma. Back in the summer of 2011 I finished Basic…
New Poetry from Randy Brown
victory conditions My father taught me to say I love you every time you stood in the door left for school went to wor…
New Nonfiction from Kiley Bense: Tell Me About My Boy
Here’s an empty grave, where a body that had been a boy became bones beneath a wooden cross. They buried him with one…