New poem by Aramis Calderon: “Loyal”
New poem by Aramis Calderon: “Loyal”
I’ve changed all the names in this story except my own. They’re all dead, but … that afterlife thing just might be tr…
New Poem by Carol Alexander: “Late of Somewhere in the East”
New Poetry by Rachel Rix: “Experimental Simulation of Joint Morphology During Desiccation,” “Second…
New Poem by Richard Epstein: “The Dance”
New poem by Ellie J. Anderson: “Impact, 1984”
In Okinawa I made a fist and my fingers stuck together that stop over night my one stop before Danang, between…
Hurl of metal – iron, steel – as shrapnel,
as bail hail, as HE detonation, all
forged and spi…
New poetry by Jayant Kashyap: “The War”
New Poetry by Phillip Sitter: “Krakivets, Odyn” and “Elemental”
New Poetry by Shawn McCann: “All I Can Do Is Watch” and “No Way To Fight Back”
New Poetry by Kathleen Hellen: “People Boats” and “Pretending There Is Garden In The Spring, Paradi…
New poems by Lawrence Bridge: “Time of War and Exile” and “Taking an Island”
New poem by Matthew Hummer: “Amortization”
New poem by Almyr Bump: “Plowing Water”
New Poem by J.S. Alexander: “Sabat (Loyalty)”
New Poetry by Ben White: “Cleaning the M60 – 39 Years and January 26, 1984”
New poem by Kat Raido: “Blood Goggles”
Desperate Need of Help
AMPHIBIOUS In Hokusai’s “Kanagawa Wave,” the boatmen look like a school of masquerading fish about to d…
RABBIT TRAILS in the Texas dust. We’re flat in the dirt so we can poke around down there with a long st…
Our Folklore Long ago, you were molten rock, and I— well, I spoke the language of bears. But now that I have been out…
New Poetry from DA Gray: “Cactus Tuna”; “We Return from the Holy Land. God Stays”; and “…
my brother, the Marine the recruiters come weeks earlier than agreed— arrive in alloy, aluminum with authority…
New Poetry by Nidhi Agrawal: “The Goddess Incarnates;” “Cow Dust;” and “Emancipation…
ORANGE It’s June, and a few stubborn ones still hang on the trees. We stand on the back of the pickup to pluck one— s…
TOUCHSTONE My child’s fairy-tale quilt is frail: the wizard ripped, the prince bald, the fairy’s wing clipped. Only t…
JUSTIN ALTER, SLIGHTLY DRUNK, ADDRESSES MAYA, WHO IS IN EGYPT Now as I am hungover and queasy stumping about the tilt…
I, born from the womb of
my mother’s remembrances
wrapped in the cocoon
of her story[…]
STILL I never thought of you as a hopeless romantic; this was news to me. Are you still meditating? Meditate o…
EACH NIGHT MY MOTHER DIES AGAIN Each night the phone rings— Your mother has passed. Each night I expect to be …
WOUNDED —to Laura Bleating thing without wool Thunder without sound Ghost of wooded peaks, of cons…
A Brief History of the Spanish Conquest Tell me again of that fabulous kingdom where a single ear of co…
SOMETHING LIKE NIGHTFALL something, like night falls slow, as if nothing in the world has ever moved but dista…
Praying at the Temple of Forgiveness for Zea Joy, in memoriam Last Monday you threw yourself, your body, dress…
ABBA-1975 Abba’s lyrics, like water shot from La Bufadora, mingle with volcanic steam from metallic pots of corn. And…
Politics Every 20 years or so boys dress up And kill each other for fun. It’s the way of the wrack of the world The w…
RABBITS IN AUTUMN Who will find our bones in a thousand years, bleached and brittle under the unyielding sun, scatter…
GRASSES QUIVER BEFORE / image by Amalie Flynn ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE In my dream Dad, age one hundred twelve, has…
Airport Luggage Carousel A battered cardboard boxholes punched in the sidetied with frayed ropelid popping upplastere…
…three hundred miles,PUT CHahead the road more visiblePUT CHas the land dissolves in the pink light …
Don’t About Not If I can’t or think do it like I’m …
I TOOK A WALK WITH A FRIEND Instead of starting a poem &n…
Somebody sewed me with a stringOn the biasI was gatheredAnd about to pop This has been a pattern all my life They hem…
ROADKILL I bring you blood in buckets,a heart that I hear, a palsied hand.It has been eight, tenyears, my issue.The s…
Ballistic medleys project ambition, while dancing tones find their pitch. There is unexpected buoyancy in our youth. …
MY CHILDHOOD SMELLED LIKE cabbage, salted tomatoes, and cracklings.the flume of dust I awakened when my fingers untan…
They even pipe it into the bookstore It’s never quite silent, though there’s no lowing, not from God nor his glutted …
Apples‘The landmines are just like apples’Khmer Rouge survivor Apples can peel your skinLike it isn’t there But more …